Saturday, December 6, 2008


It seems to me that through out life, we often take for granted a wonderful gift that we all are given, the power of prayer. Prayer is our own personal opportunity to talk with our Father in Heaven. What a wonderful and amazing thing to have a direct line to the one person who loves us more than we can comprehend. He is the one person who always wants us to succeed, who has no hidden agenda, who cares more for our eternal welfare then what we have here on earth.

I love to hear little children pray. Their prayers are so sweet and from the heart. The things they are thankful for and the things that they ask for are genuinely pure in heart. When we found out that my husband had a new opportunity with his job that would require us to move away from our home in Texas, we asked our oldest two girls to pray about it. We asked them to really ask their Heavenly Father if this was the right thing for everyone in our family. My husband and I told them that if the answer was yes or no, they would have peace with the decision. We didn't expect them to understand nor be happy about moving away from their friends. After a couple days of both family prayer and their own individual prayers separately both girls came to us and told us that they knew we were supposed to move. Of course, this was with tears in their eyes, but they had been touched and really listened for the answer to their prayers. I know they listened, because I am sure they were hoping the answer was no, you are staying right where you are.

We often tend to rely on the Lord through hard times in our lives, but at this time of the year, what a wonderful gift to tell our Father how grateful we are for him and all the blessings he gives us everyday. Then, please take the time to just listen and feel that love and peace he gives us all.

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