Thursday, December 11, 2008


My post is short and late today, sorry. Today is Thursday, the day on my blog to think about thankfulness. I am so thankful for so many things in my life, but one of the greatest treasures to me is my husband. (Yes, this will probably be a little sappy, so enjoy!)

My husband, Rich, and I will be have been married for 15 years on December 18th. I remember when someone told me they were married for 10 years and I was in awe. The last last 15 years have been full up ups and downs, tears and joy, laughter, and lots of love. (We have fours kids!)

I know I often get caught up in all the things I have to do as a mom, that I forget I am also a wife. I am grateful for Rich's patience. I am still learning on how to be a better wife, person, and mom. He is supportive and loves me more than I deserve.

So today, be grateful for that man who drives you crazy, misses the laundry hamper, forgets you own a dishwasher, but loves you more than anyone else in the world.

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